Tuesday, April 19, 2005

[PD] personal demons


Carl Caputo said...

Love the sad expresssion on the skeleton-chained dude. Looks like he can't bring himself even to kick a can, if there were a can anywhere nearby to kick. I also like the way he's sort of smothered by comics stuff. It's like he's even smaller than he is because of how big the other stuff is. And the perspective is good, too, the placement on the street. Did you draw this freehand or use a photo for reference?

xire said...

It's freehand. I should use photos, but don't.
Would it be overkill to label the figures ala old politacal cartoons as fears, mistakes and humiliation?

Carl Caputo said...

Nah, I don't think it's overkill. Maybe some scrolls?

gl. said...

yeah, if you're going to do it, OVERDO it. :)