Thursday, September 15, 2005

Portland ABC

so i have an idea for a book where i would photograph local landmarks showing just a letter one side of a page and then the full image on the flip side. I'm just going to do this with iPhoto. The question is , what to photograph?

Cinema 21/coffee people
Fred Meyer
Hippo Hardware/ Hung Far lo/Hollywood theatre
Les Swchwab
Movie Madness/Music Millenium
Reed College/Reading Frenzy
Voodoo Donuts
XV (SW 2nd )


Philip said...

I'd suggest at least one McMennamin's place, probably either the Bagdad or the Kennedy School.

Other possibilities:

Coffee People
Fred Meyer
Hippo Hardware or Hung Far Lo
Les Schwab
Movie Madness or Music Millenium
Reed College or Reading Frenzy
Voodoo Donuts

A street sign from NW (this would be a great way to fill in a letter you couldn't find elsewhere)

xire said...

thanks for the suggestions.
I thought about the NW street signs but that seems like cheating, but i might have to resort to that for "Q". "X" is going to be a bitch.

so, the other consideration i'm debating is if this should be targeted towards kids or adults. maybe i should maintain two lists.

Cinema 21/coffee people
Fred Meyer
Hippo Hardware/ Hung Far lo/Hollywood theatre
Les Swchwab
Movie Madness/Music Millenium
Reed College/Reading Frenzy
Voodoo Donuts

gl. said...

great idea, alex! keep the list you -want- rather than doubling the effort to keep kids & adults lists.

xire said...

good. i was just thinking how you and gretchin, two girls, are the ones that comment the most.

gl. said...

*cough* pot? let me introduce you to kettle. you have a lot in common. :)