Friday, December 19, 2008

Persona 3

starting playing Persona 3 since Persona 4 is getting such high reviews. don't know that the theme of Persona 4 is, but a high school simulator is not my idea of a good time. Half of the game involves maintaining social relationships in school in order to strengthen the social links of the different Tarot suits corresponding to each character. e.g. participate in the student council more and the Emperor suit increases giving you more experience when creating "Persona" of that suit. + having played Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne already, i found that the combat system (mythology + characters) was basically the same.
I'm about 8 hours into the game (70 hours of game play?) and i still don't know why the characters seemingly shoot themselves in the head to call the Personas.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Amelia's new site

Amelia is participating in the Portland Open Studios tour this year both this weekend and the next.

Studios will be open between 10 AM – 5PM.

Otherwise, the guides are available at New Seasons if you want to do the whole tour.

Some of her work on her new web site

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

what i listen to

so mostly i listen to the ign games podcast. i tend to listen to all of them even though i don't have all the platforms. Secondly, I'll listen to indie spinner rack for comics related stuff. I used to listen to all around comics, comic geek speak, fanboy radio, wait wait don't tell me and this week in science. Every once in a while, i still listen to music like my new favorite song.

i forgot to mention the friday podcast of Cort and Fatboy. Mike Russel (movie reviews) , Aaron Duran (comics news) and Dave Walker (b movies) are regular guests + there's a few interviews with Katie Sackhoff. How geek focused is the show? Who else on the air has skits about voltron and talks about how Dave Walker has been named as a skrull by Bendis?

Sunday, May 11, 2008


The following is a two color 8x8 pixel image.
each pixel can be represented as a binary number thus:


or as a single number like this:
10000000 01000000 00100000 00010000 00001000 00000100 00000010 00000001

to iterate through all the combinations would simple require to increment the binary number.
That's 64 positions so the number of combinations is 2^64=1.844674407371e+19.

to animate at 60 frames per second = 3.074457345618e+17 sec = 5,124,095,576,030,430 min = 85,401,592,933,840.5 hours= 3,558,399,705,576.68 days = 9,749,042,775.64 years

to display all combinations in one image = 2^32 x 2^32
4,294,967,296 pixels x 4,294,967,296 pixels
@ 72DPI = 59,652,323.55 inches = 4,971,026.96 ft = 941.48 miles

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

multiplayer DS drawing game

apparently, this DS party drawing game, LOL will only be available to purchase over the internet. (5/30). One person hosts the game, thinks of a drawing challenge, and gives everyone so much time to come up with an answer, then everyone votes. It's multiplayer only.

Monday, April 28, 2008

stumptown 2008

I was pretty excited to go this year. It was only half a year since the last one since APE had moved the fall, Stumptown moved to the spring and it seemed like allot of the talent that would have been at APE this time of year was instead going to be here. I started with Dave Roman's panel on Saturday, which was basically self promotion. he talked about how he got into comics from cartoon cross promotion (G.I. Joe vs Transformers). I met Mike there and walked around. The show was bigger than ever and so less intimate. i waited a while for Julia Wertz to get back to her table as she was off at some panel. When i left, i realized that i hadn't seen Derek Kirk Kim or Gene Yang.
Went to the art battle that night. Mike Russel didn't host, not as much fun. The teams were web comics vs print. The teams included the usual cadre from pants press on one side and Carla Speed McNeil and I'm not sure who else on the print side. It seems like allot of people left at one point for some reason.
i wasn't going to go Sunday, but i woke up with a slight headache and generally felt useless, so i look at the schedule and decided to go to the webcomicsworkshop panel which was pretty informative. The next panel was Mike Russel talking about making money from web comics. Very entertaining . He recommend a book called How to Make Webcomics. The most interesting point was that web comics, unlike print comics, give the content away for free and are more like tv. They build a loyal following and make money from the auxiliary stuff, ad placement, books, t-shirts etc. And really, more to the point, are more like a band. You listen for free on the radio and they make money going on tour (appearing at conventions). I traded t-shirts with Liz Baille and Graham Annable and found someone in town that will take my shirts on consignment.

some stuff i bought:
Blind Fart Ken Dahl
Delayed Replays Liz Prince
Lowbright #0 Derek Kirk Kim
Layover Liz Baillie
Teen Boat Dave Roman
Meanwhile and Knock! Knock! Jason Shiga
the Fart Party Julia Wertz
Hey 4-eyes #1
Smile Raina Telgemeier
Poison the Cure
Pizza Wizard
Finder:King of the Cats Carla Speed McNeil
+ various other minis.

Bryan Lee O'Malley and Hope Larson are going to be at Cosmic Monkey May 8th (6-8 PM)

Friday, February 01, 2008

Amelia's show

Amelia has an art showing at the coffee shop down the street from us this month, Haven Coffee.
(no opening)

Thursday, January 03, 2008