Monday, July 18, 2005

[PD] on the farm


Anonymous said...

Wonder if that has anything to do with the term "pod people".

Ben S.

xire said...

nah, i'm not even sure what pad people are suppose to be. Is that like Invasion of the Body Snatchers?

Anonymous said...

Pod people are exactly out of invasion of the body snatchers. Though it's become a bit more generic for any clone/doppleganger type thing.

Pad people are either (a) Guys with real cool cribs who through all the hip parties or (b) A scary canabalistic thai noodle dish.

Ben S.

xire said...

hm, i think you're right.

in any case, i pictured the meat being cut out of the muscle. You know, cows have such big legs, there could be something in there between the tissue.