Thursday, June 02, 2005

Meet the Fockers

A waste of 2 hours. Didn't laugh. It's not a bad film, except that it's a comedy. Before, with I heart Huckabee's i couldn't say that i hadn't seen a Dustin Hoffman movie, now i can't say i haven't seen a barbra streisand movie.
Amelia was confusing this movie with Flirting with Disaster which was a better movie as i recall + that movie has Tea Leoni.
Does anyone remember her in that sitcom where she was in Flying Blind? I think all she did was walk around being beautiful since she played a model.


Anonymous said...

Not much to do with the post, but how come you let Cine go by the wayside and picked up Xire?

-Ben S.

xire said...

It's kinda of a dumb name and too similar to ciné. I wanted to use a new word. Xire unfortunatly sounds like "zaire" so it's not perfect either.